Product Testing
Before any of our products make it up onto this website, they have gone through a long journey to ensure that they are the highest quality possible. From initial conception, to design, to manufacturing and then testing both in-house and through independent laboratories, no stone is left unturned.
In-house testing – First sample prototypes of Karina's designs are tested by us to make sure that they are up to the job for both heavy commercial use and light use.
Independent Testing – Any product that comes into contact with food requires independent testing. Ours is tested approved for FDA in the USA, Food Grade in the EU and by LMBG in Germany.
Factory Quality-Control – Before any product leaves the factory it undergoes strict quality control to ensure it has been manufactured to our very high specifications. Boxes are then sealed by the QC company – if the seal on any box has been tampered with it gets sent back.
“ I am afflicted with being one of life's worriers, you would think therefore that making products that get used day in day out around the world would cause me great stress and anxiety! It should do but it doesn't because we go the extra step to ensure that our products are over-engineered for durability and have 3rd party independent assessments done for compliance on anything food-related.
Currently there are numerous copies around the world of the Cafelat products. Aside from the Cafelat products being the original designs, the Cafelat products are backed up by the years of testing and development. On that basis alone, I know which products I would rather use.”
Paul Pratt September 2009
In-house testing – First sample prototypes of Karina's designs are tested by us to make sure that they are up to the job for both heavy commercial use and light use.
Independent Testing – Any product that comes into contact with food requires independent testing. Ours is tested approved for FDA in the USA, Food Grade in the EU and by LMBG in Germany.
Factory Quality-Control – Before any product leaves the factory it undergoes strict quality control to ensure it has been manufactured to our very high specifications. Boxes are then sealed by the QC company – if the seal on any box has been tampered with it gets sent back.
“ I am afflicted with being one of life's worriers, you would think therefore that making products that get used day in day out around the world would cause me great stress and anxiety! It should do but it doesn't because we go the extra step to ensure that our products are over-engineered for durability and have 3rd party independent assessments done for compliance on anything food-related.
Currently there are numerous copies around the world of the Cafelat products. Aside from the Cafelat products being the original designs, the Cafelat products are backed up by the years of testing and development. On that basis alone, I know which products I would rather use.”
Paul Pratt September 2009
Danish Design
Where else would we go to find young talented designers with the ability to think outside the box but Denmark?
Based in Copenhagen, our Designer Karina Mencke, has been able to give a fresh and professional perspective on existing products as well as work with us to develop completely new items that have allowed Cafelat to elevate the standard in industry.
By working close with us, Karina has produced a series of items with great commercial appeal but also items that assist the barista or home user to get the most from their coffee.
Paul comments "Having Karina onboard from the very beginning of Cafelat meant that we were able to quickly establish a very clear and consistent product outlook that is apparent in each item she has designed - in fact her designs are Cafelat. After an initial brief was given, Karina went away and was able to come back with many concepts and ideas that were so totally fresh and unique yet remained focused on the prime objective - to have each and every product be the best it could be in the industry and still be a cohesive family of products with the distinct Cafelat style."
Based in Copenhagen, our Designer Karina Mencke, has been able to give a fresh and professional perspective on existing products as well as work with us to develop completely new items that have allowed Cafelat to elevate the standard in industry.
By working close with us, Karina has produced a series of items with great commercial appeal but also items that assist the barista or home user to get the most from their coffee.
Paul comments "Having Karina onboard from the very beginning of Cafelat meant that we were able to quickly establish a very clear and consistent product outlook that is apparent in each item she has designed - in fact her designs are Cafelat. After an initial brief was given, Karina went away and was able to come back with many concepts and ideas that were so totally fresh and unique yet remained focused on the prime objective - to have each and every product be the best it could be in the industry and still be a cohesive family of products with the distinct Cafelat style."